01-12-2017 10:59 am
$ 22
Chaotic Good Alignment Poster
Hang this poster on your wall to alert the world of your role-playing alignment. If you’re the kind of person who does the wrong things for the right reason, and follows instinct more than law, then you're "Chaotic Good." These are your John McClanes, your Harry Potters, your Dr. Houses; “heroes” who break rules and trust their intuition to do what they feel is right.

12-22-2016 12:08 pm
$ 22
If You Can Read This Leet Speak 1337 Ironic Poster
Check out this humorous poster featuring some “Hacker Sp33k” that is sure to get some laughs out of your nerdy friends. This play on the infamous “leet” or “1337” lets others know you are not all business. Perfect to hang on your walls at home, or to decorate your office.

10-27-2016 10:58 am
$ 65
Rawr Baby Sinclair Dinosaurs Sitcom Canvas
If Jurassic Park were over run with Littlefoot and the rest of the Land Before Time gang, the story would have played out differently. Maybe instead of PTSD-inducing Tyrannosaurus Rex teeth, Doctor Grant and Ian Malcom would have learned the meaning of “friendship.” The Great Valley seems to be a more family-friendly attraction than the Jurassic World fiasco.

10-25-2016 10:24 am
$ 65
X-Box Achievement Unlocked Left the House Canvas
Any gamer knows how easy it is to get caught up in a game and lose days in the process. Like a Double XP Weekend of Call of Duty can just consume your days off. For reasons like this, it’s not unrealistic to consider leaving the house, let alone getting off the couch, an unlocked achievement. It very much can feel like a small victory for a hard-core gamer to put down their X-Box controller and take a stroll in reality instead of a virtual world. And you non-gamers that binge-watch Netflix all weekend, you can do with some time outside, too.

10-11-2016 16:38 pm
$ 22
We Heart Geeks Poster
You may have heard the saying “you are what you love.” And boy do we at Sexy Hackers love geek-culture of all shapes and forms, whether its computer programming, video games or comic books. Regardless of your interests, you can’t deny how much geeks have done for the world in the fields of science, technology, and entertainment. Live long and prosper, my nerd brethren.

08-12-2016 10:40 am
$ 65
I Defeated Procrastination Canvas
Ah, the greatest foe of our time: procrastination. Sure, it gives you such a rush, frantically throwing out strings of adrenaline-fueled sentences when writing your entire mid-term essay the night before its due. Maybe it makes you feel alive to delay finishing that project at work until the last minute so you can chat-up your coworker at the vending machines. Or, you can roll up your sleeves, crank out your assignment right now, and then relax the rest of the day. Adrenaline is over-rated; how about kicking your feet up instead?

08-12-2016 10:35 am
$ 22
I Defeated Procrastination Poster
Ah, the greatest foe of our time: procrastination. Sure, it gives you such a rush, frantically throwing out strings of adrenaline-fueled sentences when writing your entire mid-term essay the night before its due. Maybe it makes you feel alive to delay finishing that project at work until the last minute so you can chat-up your coworker at the vending machines. Or, you can roll up your sleeves, crank out your assignment right now, and then relax the rest of the day. Adrenaline is over-rated; how about kicking your feet up instead?

07-01-2016 09:15 am
$ 65
Let The Coffee Hit The Mug Canvas
Attention all you caffeine-guzzling, coffee addicts. Raise your ceramic mugs and travel thermoses to cheers this new addition to your home décor. Before your morning coffee, it might feel like a heavy metal band is screaming in your head, but all you need is that first sip. Celebrate your morningly crazing. It’s sure to perk up your whole day.

06-24-2016 13:39 pm
$ 22
Pharaoh Poster
Walk like an Egyptian with this poster that gives a whole new meaning to rocking it old school. Why wouldn’t you wear a shirt that rules just as kings like Tutankhamun and Ramses once ruled in their day? Who wouldn't want to be King or Queen, even if just for a day?

06-23-2016 15:37 pm
$ 65
Pied Piper Logo Canvas from the TV Series Silicon Valley on HBO
Is your Weissman score a bit lower than what you want it to be at the moment? No problem, when you display this artwork in your office, you are guaranteed to achieve optimal tip to tip efficiency. That’s right people, just like the ‘startup’ Pied Piper on the hit HBO show Silicon Valley you too can achieve your dreams. So the next time you're hanging out with your friends, and they tell you it's not about how bad-ass your office looks and it’s about your jerking abilities, we say that's a lie! Remember, it really is all about how bad-ass your office looks, oh and also your jerking abilities.

03-16-2016 16:20 pm
$ 19.99
Get the Right People Unisex T-Shirt
"Get the Right People. Make Them Happy. Turn Them Loose." How's that for an inspirational business quote? This idea worked in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Nick Fury sought out the right people, brought them together, and gave them purpose. Then he turned them loose to become the Avengers and save the world. Just saying, if it worked for superheroes, that’s a pretty solid strategy. Sure, there were multiple confrontations in the movie. Iron Man and Captain America bickered almost the entire time like an old married couple. And Hulk punched Thor in the face, knocking him right out of the frame. So much violence at the start, but then they all bonded into best buds. They even reassembled for a sequel with new characters and more inter-group fighting; it was awesome. Long story short: Get the right people and you will have long-lasting success at work or at the box office.

03-11-2016 10:41 am
$ 22
Hardc*re Gamer Poster
It will take more than a couple sore thumbs to keep a true gamer from gaming.
Whether its running away from a zombie or button-mashing desperately to defeat a boss, a true gamer knows the result of an intense gaming situation: throbbing thumbs. Who needs exercise to feel the burn when pushing your digital avatar to the limit can cause such inflammation at your fingertips?

02-12-2016 11:42 am
$ 19.99
I Want To Be A Hogwarts Kid Unisex T-Shirt
Show off your wizardry pride! Ever since Harry Potter got his first owl letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we all wanted to be just like him. We may not have gotten a letter but we can let the world know we want to be accepted.

05-25-2016 09:23 am
$ 19.99
Eureka Days - June - 2015
Every month the MTR Crew has a special day which they get to work on a project that allows them to be more awesome. This day is called "Eureka Days", you can learn more about them by clicking here.

05-13-2015 16:28 pm
$ 22.99
Rock The Mic Flexfit Hat
Rock it. Own it. Live it up. Show it off. Give it all you got. #eCulture
To handle effectively with style and confidence.

10-20-2022 09:17 am
$ 22.99
#Love Flexfit Hat
Love: a passionate feeling that can be shown through kindness, verbally or physically. Passionate, Kindness, Gentleness, Understanding, No judgment. #eCutlure
This is one of the most popular hashtags used in the world.

09-21-2015 15:22 pm
$ 22
Official Straight Outta The Cubicle Movie Poster
Hang up this poster and say NO to THE MAN! Start acting like N.W.A. members Eazy-E, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, MC Ren and DJ Yella and rebel against the system.
Kick back and refuse to be a sukka, go watch the NWA movie biopic Straight outta Compton and listen to the movie sound track then sip a little "Gin And Juice". #eCulture
This work of art was inspired by the 1988, groundbreaking new group NWA who revolutionizes music and pop culture, changing and influencing hip-hop forever. N.W.A's first studio album, "Straight Outta Compton," stirs controversy with its brutally honest depiction of life in Southern Los Angeles

05-13-2015 16:11 pm
$ 22
Make Your Own Luck Poster
Don't miss your chance to succeed in life, make your own luck! #GetInspired
Making your own luck is simply what is needed, when you can not get luck to go your way. With this poster, you will have all the luck you will ever need.

10-31-2014 11:40 am
$ 65
That Can't Be Done Is A Lie Canvas
It’s not a matter of whether or not it can be done. It’s how willing you are to obtain the goal in mind. Saying that you can’t is just the easy way of saying that you give up. There’s no giving up, you need to go the distance and get it done!

10-14-2014 13:03 pm
$ 19.99
This Is A Bullshit Free Zone Unisex T-Shirt
Sell! Sell!, Independent Creative Agency in London
Need we say more? Seriously? Cut the crap and get back to work (after you buy this shirt...)!

10-02-2014 10:01 am
$ 22
Blow Our Customers' Minds Poster
Aaron Levie, CEO and Co-Founder of Box
You're full of ideas, but you need to weed out the good from the not-so-good. So ask yourself a few questions... What do people want? What do people need? What are people going to want and need, because it is wicked awesome?

10-31-2014 10:25 am
$ 65
Are You Productive or Just Being Busy Canvas
Ali Davies, Professional Certified Coach
We constantly get wrapped up in the whirlwind we call life. Take a step back and refocus on what needs to get down versus what you feel you want done. Be productive.

10-31-2014 11:48 am
$ 65
Under Promise Over Deliver Canvas
Tom Peters, Author and Speaker
When the demands are high and you know not everything is possible, you might tell the customer to not expect much. The customer will be ever so surprised and pleased when more of the final product is what they wanted than what they were expecting.

10-14-2014 13:34 pm
$ 19.99
Think Like A Customer Unisex T-Shirt
The fact of the matter is you are not the boss; your customer is the boss. The more you reach into the customer's mind and see what they want, the better you'll be able to successfully meet their needs.